English classes timetable for adults

English classes timetable for adults

You can view the 2024-2025 English classes timetable for adults below. Because we have classes in the mornings, afternoons and in the evenings, you can choose a class that best suits your schedule.

However, if these hours don't suit, don't hesitate to contact us. We constantly add classes at different times depending on demand.

Click here to see the timetable for children and teenagers.

General English

Elementary timetable
Tuesday and Thursday19:45 – 21:15€395 and €370*

* 2 payments: October and February. If starting after the course begins, price will be adjusted proportionally.

Pre-intermediate timetable
Monday and Wednesday19:45 – 21:15€395 and €370*

* 2 payments: October and February. If starting after the course begins, price will be adjusted proportionally.

Intermediate timetable
Monday and Wednesday19:45 – 21:15€395 and €370*
Tuesday and Thursday19:45 – 21:15€395 and €370*

* 2 payments: October and February. If starting after the course begins, price will be adjusted proportionally.

Upper-Int timetable
Monday and Wednesday19:45 – 21:15€395 and €370*
Tuesday and Thursday19:45 – 21:15€395 and €370*
Monday to Thursday (General Super)10:00 – 12:00€595

* 2 payments: October and February. If starting after the course begins, price will be adjusted proportionally.

Advanced timetable
Monday and Wednesday19:45 – 21:15€395 and €370*
Tuesday and Thursday19:45 – 21:15€395 and €370*

* 2 payments: October and February. If starting after the course begins, price will be adjusted proportionally.

Listening & speaking timetable
Monday and Wednesday18:35 – 19:35€270 and €240*
Tuesday and Thursday18:35 – 19:35€270 and €240*

* 2 payments: October and February. If starting after the course begins, price will be adjusted proportionally.

Course materials €55 - includes class text books and all extra material for the course.

 Exam preparation courses

FCE Timetable
Course datesDaysTimesExam datePrice
10 February – 09 AprilMonday and Wednesday10:00 – 12:3012 April320€
11 February – 08 AprilTuesday and Thursday19:00 – 21:3012 April320€
30 September – 18 JuneMonday and Wednesday10:00 – 11:3014 June395€ y 370€ *
30 September – 18 JuneMonday and Wednesday19:45 – 21:1514 June395€ y 370€ *
01 October – 19 JuneTuesday and Thursday19:45 – 21:1514 June395€ y 370€ *
03 February – 11 JuneMonday and Wednesday19:00 – 21:0014 June495€

* 2 payments: October and February. If starting after the course begins, price will be adjusted proportionally.

CAE Timetable
Course datesDaysTimesExam datePrice
10 February – 09 AprilMonday and Wednesday19:00 – 21:3012 April320€
11 February – 08 AprilTuesday and Thursday10:00 – 12:3012 April320€
30 September – 18 JuneMonday and Wednesday19:45 – 21:1521 June395€ y 370€ *
01 October – 19 JuneTuesday and Thursday10:00 – 11:3021 June395€ y 370€ *
01 October – 19 JuneTuesday and Thursday19:45 – 21:1521 June395€ y 370€ *
04 February – 17 JuneMonday and Wednesday19:00 – 21:0021 June495€

* 2 payments: October and February. If starting after the course begins, price will be adjusted proportionally.

Proficiency timetable
Tuesday and Thursday18:45 – 20:15€395 and €370*

* 2 payments: October and February. If starting after the course begins, price will be adjusted proportionally.

PET timtetable
Course datesDaysTimesExam datesPrice
07 October – 20 NovemberMonday and Wednesday10:00 – 11:3022 November170€

Course materials €55 - includes class text books and all extra material for the course.